1. The fan uses either a single-stage or dual-stage impeller design.
2. The mid and rear guide vanes of the fan use a plate-type twisted fixed structure, which alters the airflow pre-rotation at the impeller's outlet and inlet flow field while also supporting the rotor.
3. Choosing the option to adjust the blade installation angle during operation requires additional components such as a servo hydraulic cylinder, servo adjustment drive unit, electric actuator, and hydraulic control station.
4. The fan is equipped with an electric brake device with safety protection measures. During braking, the brake force is gradually increased by the deformation of compression springs, preventing sudden increases in brake force that could damage the ventilation equipment.
5. The fan achieves more than 40% reverse airflow across the full performance range.
6. The fan uses rolling bearings with thin oil lubrication, with forced oil supply from a lubrication station. A platinum resistance primary instrument is installed on the bearing housing, with a temperature inspection instrument provided. Additionally, a vibration monitoring instrument can be optionally configured to ensure the fan's smooth and stable operation.
7. The blades are designed with a twisted airfoil shape, and the installation angle is steplessly adjustable between 0° and 50°.
8. There are two methods for adjusting the installation angle of the impeller rotor blades: one allows for one-time adjustment of blade installation angle after the fan is stopped, and the other allows for adjustment of blade installation angle while the fan is running.